(extra?) ordinary life [carley rickles]

I am fascinated by people and how they interact with the built environment.

To understand my role in the architecture fields I’ve looked to Everyday Urbanism, Death and Life of Great American Cities, The Practice of Everyday Life, Learning from Las Vegas,  Henri Lefebvre, JB Jackson, and the Center for Land Use Interpretation. Through these literatures, philosophers, and groups I’ve learned that there is a place for architects who are more curious about how people live - on their own - than about their influence on others. I want to understand and learn from people and places more than I feel compelled to change them, at least for now. 

These accounts are essentially auto-ethnographic studies. I like riding the line of work and play. In general I have found that my everyday experience is more engaging when I am studying the world around me.  

Drawing and writing are tools to help time pass more engagingly. These days I draw what I see in front of me. I try to include details, sounds, and other unseen factors to help codify what was there at that moment. 

The scenes I record while waiting at ordinary places are some of my favorites, especially those where I am an anonymous bystander.


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