I took LSD and now I like Bird Scooters [tae lee]

I'm pretty embarrassed at my writing, but whatever.

Here it is:


My first reaction to seeing bird scooters littering the sidewalk was,

“fuck these things.”

Instantaneous judgment.

Easily categorized into my ever-growing list of concepts as acceptable or unacceptable.

This is what becoming a grumpy old person is.

The longer I live my life, my neurological pathways feel more and more deeply carved out, information flowing in the way most comfortable and easy.

Constantly trying to define what it means to be alive is exhausting, and so we choose a few defining characteristics, meaning, and value that we particularly like, then we cast these beliefs into a solid state, applying them to the world as a sort of cruise control.

This is projection.

The fluidity of the universe refuses to be pinned down by our meager definitions.


Contrasting an ancient 2D astrological star map, to a more advanced 3D model of the various galaxies, you begin to see that the flatness of the positions of the stars belies how limited our perspective was. From our fixed point, the stars exist on a flat black screen, where we can say which animal each two-dimensional cluster of stars resembles.

This is projection.

I feel like there is almost an entropic quality into how conservative my brain always tries to become. To always define things, to categorize them. Is this toxic masculinity? Is this the Western thought process where I feel distanced from intuition and fluidity?

Pema Chodron says, “If you are uncomfortable with change, you will be uncomfortable a whole lot during your lifetime.”

And so, my life is a practice in letting go. Letting go of definitions, categorizations, judgments. Art changes, race changes, gender changes, sex changes, my own face and body changes. I need to practice being cool with changes, as much as I practice the piano, yoga, or whatever.

I have to be aware that the world is just my own projection.


LSD sort of resets all of your neural pathways, so that new connections can be made, and our old carved out pathways can be ignored.

After a long and challenging trip, I’m eating tacos at a taco truck, enjoying my new fresh perspective.

I see three kids laughing and having fun, riding on one Bird scooter amongst the three of them. My girlfriend laughs and cries from seeing such a beautiful moment. 

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