View from the garden in Chattanooga, Tennessee

View from the garden in Chattanooga, Tennessee


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dear reader,

The air feels thicker and sweeter here in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Its greenery greets me as I ease myself in a morning commute driving to the studio from my mother-in-law’s house. The hills are gentle and the Tennessee River in view lets me know that I do not have to hustle -- that my gaze can stay softer.

Yet it whispers to me to listen. 

To go deeper --

And I am not sure where that would take me.

So I asked two friends to join me on that journey, Louise Tate and Danny Gurung.

Louise Tate, a beautiful soul and painter based in Melbourne, and I will share our writings, works, and photos from our gardens respectively and in parallel for four weeks. I want to lean on her when speaking about losing someone precious. I find comfort in Tate’s shades of pastel colors that engulf her figures, her stories, which then travel over the Pacific Ocean to where I am, and my heart that often does not know where to go. I can reside in her sensibilities. 

Danny Gurung, a young artist and spirit, is born and raised in Colorado - the American Frontier. He knows me well as his former teacher and now he is someone whom I write with. This time, I lean on him when writing on the poetry of this American landscape that has hosted and held our stories. 

So welcome. I hope you find our words and images soothing and enlivening. Here, we offer you songs to hum along to what is difficult to annunciate.

- Gyun Hur


ps. our archive will always be free.

here is one from our library:

YOOJIN AHN산책의 발견 (Discover the walk)


산책의 발견 (Discover the walk)